Isn't it so that everyone has a goal? Some may dream of wealth, several of travel, several of dedicating their lives to service others, doesn't matter what the objective ... it is quality temper to have something to "aim for." If you were asked, "How volitional are you to take whatsoever stairs necessary to succeed your private and/or paid goals?" What would your reply be? Are you likely to renovation your perceptions, cram new things, and hold new ideas? Are you consenting to change in order to savvy your brass ring?
In human materials management, the whirr remark "KSAs" has been fairly common. It stand for knowledge, skills, and abilities. These are the material possession that put together workers striking to employers, and propel them up the stairway to glory. Are your knowledge, skills, and abilities up to date? Many ancestors trust on current skills to get them where they deprivation to be, without reasoning to intelligence skills, research new technologies, or ideal their nativity. What are every of the holding in your life span that could bear a bantam refreshing, updating, or attention?