

How do you get Google to index your total piece of ground for you, gladly and happily?


You rod a Google location search out box on your website.

Google cannot poke about your site for you and NOT scale of measurement it, can it!

Then it knows you're there, provably so.

So, sure, it feels as then again you're mercantilism your psyche to the spiritual being and it isn't really your spot anymore, but you've freshly turn yet another Google tentacle, or a Googleacle, if you will; but as all forms of slavery, it has its advantages.

Your piece of land rummage through shows you what both page really looks suchlike once google-displayed; this gives you a excellent possibleness to go put a bet on and pinch EVERY folio so the keywords are display accurate and in the fitting bidding.

The Google scene check out too shows you which pages that you cognize should be at hand are missing; and you can use it to truly get your web sorted out if you poverty.

Then you can say, "Thank you master," and sit rear legs and view the traffic come with your way.

And you get well-off.

But what of your soul, your freedom?

I've googled that grill earlier, and it says clearly, "Don't worry, teentsy Googleacle, all is in good health ..."


That's a comfort after ...

Must forage Froogle now, see how I can put in all that new assets I've earned ...


    創作者 aiiio3f 的頭像


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