Am I dreaming? The pointer external the skyscraper reads: "Spiritual Realm." I speed full-strength to the lifting device. "Up, please," I william tell the worker.
She looks confused? "Up? You privation to go up?"
"Certainly!" I eat my botheration. "To the top." The lifting device starts up hurriedly. I wiggle.
"Isn't it effort heavy in here?" I observation.
She shrugs. "Yeah. A/C cuts off ultimo the 30th flooring." Ding! "Penthouse." As the doors open, a gush of warmth invades the lifting device.
I scream, "Shut it, quick!" Just since the doors close, I sense the sign: SATAN CORPORATION-and fitting downwards it: HERE YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE.
We tumble hurriedly. In moments the A/C kicks backbone on.
"I don't twig. I cognitive content God would be at the top, but it's Satan. What gives?"
"Didn't you watch the manual in the lobby?" the operator answers. "God's offices are in the crypt."
"The basement?"
"Yup. Offices here are assigned reported to haughtiness."
"Hubris? I'm not acquainted near the term."
"It mode 'wanton lordliness subsequent from unreasonable arrogance.'"
"I see. So because God and His acquaintances are low in haughtiness..."
"...they're in the underground room."
"I get it. If you impoverishment to go up-really up..."
"You gotta to go down, but everybody grudging to go down-well, next there's no location but up. Here we are: inferior horizontal surface."
The pipe doors concede a cool, aromatic air current. The intimation on the in front of divider reads, GOD & SON, UNLIMITED, and the row below: HERE YOU GET WHAT YOU NEED. I rung out of the elevator, hoping I never aftermath up.